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The Overlook at Stone Spring
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When you are choosing the apartment you would like to rent in Harrisonburg, you are not only are selecting a home, but also a neighborhood. As we all know, the most valuable aspect of any property is LOCATION. The peaceful setting of The Overlook is also a prime location with easy access to many areas in Harrisonburg. The Overlook is minutes away from Spotswood Trail and University Boulevard, both of which offer premium shopping, restaurants, and movie theatres.
From Target and The Home Depot for all of your decorating needs, to the Valley Mall and local Regal Cinema for entertainment, at The Overlook weβve got you covered. Enjoy local restaurants like Jessβ Lunch and Clementine Cafe, and then work off those calories at The Overlook Fitness Center (convenient and free!), or the nearby Planet Fitness. At The Overlook, you can be ready for anything!
From Target and The Home Depot for all of your decorating needs, to the Valley Mall and local Regal Cinema for entertainment, at The Overlook weβve got you covered. Enjoy local restaurants like Jessβ Lunch and Clementine Cafe, and then work off those calories at The Overlook Fitness Center (convenient and free!), or the nearby Planet Fitness. At The Overlook, you can be ready for anything!